Walking into a room filled with all the sights and sounds of the ULTIMATE GAMING EXPERIENCE is what your guys want!! And GAME NIGHT offers this and more because your girls will love to play their favorite games on this incredible system too!!
Two Movie Theatre size screens plus two separate surround sound systems and two complete PlayStation and XBOX gaming systems with all the necessary gaming accessories equals the ULTIMATE GAMING RUSH!! Every guy's dream event!!
But wait there are several versions of GAME NIGHT including the cube truss system, in-line truss system, and inflatable screens system. Each system allows for 2, 3 or 4 screens. Featured games include NFL Madden, HALO, Call of Duty, NBA, Dance Dance Revolution, Rock Band, and Guitar Hero. Additional games may be available upon request.
The games can be offered as "open play" or "tournament style". Open play allows all participants the chance to play on a first come, first served basis and is best for afternoon events where classes and work schedules may force participants to leave before the conclusion of the event. Tournament style play allows participants to compete for prizes or at least bragging rights through an elimination process.Tournament style is only recommended for events where participants know in advance they must be able to commit several hours to competing in the tournament. School prizes range from t-shirts and mugs to DVD Players and Gaming Systems.
And now an all new 3D Gaming System is available. Imagine playing Call of Duty on Movie Theater size screen where the characters are in 3D!! You’ve certainly never played Call of Duty like this before!! Contact the Party Train office to discuss other games available in 3D.
Party Train Entertainment is committed to providing quality entertainment at a fair and affordable price for large universities and small community colleges alike